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COVID-X – COVID eXponential Programme

Objeto de la financiación

COVID-X aims to provide competitive and market oriented European SMEs access to knowledge, technology, capital and markets with the aim to place new products/ services in the market with the goals of fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. 

COVID-X will fund EU Companies and Healthcare Providers to boost data-driven solutions with the power to overcome challenges in Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Follow-up.

The technology providers must integrate their solutions with the COVID-X Sandbox. The single solutions will be validated at one of the three project pilot sides that belong to the COVID-X Consortium. These sites are located in Italy, Spain and Sweden, and each site is focused on the specific clinical challenges (see the Annex).

The areas that COVID-X project is covering are:

  • fast, cost-effective and easily deployable sampling, screening, diagnostic and prognostic systems, including new methods for screening of lungs, using for example AI or advanced photonics solutions, to detect the presence of the pathogen related parameters especially in an early stage of infection;
  • innovative data-driven services and tools combining data assets from various relevant privately held and/or publicly available sources. These could include AI-based solutions exploiting such data and possibly additional sensor-based signals, for diagnostics, prevention, treatment, or rehabilitation. 

The project must be close-to-market (TRL7+) and have already received, or are about to receive, the CE marking to proceed to large scale testing, piloting and deployment operations in critical healthcare areas (or wherever else is relevant).


  • SME, or 
  • consortium of an SME and Healthcare provider, led by an SME

Each SME may submit only one proposal at COVID-X Open Call #2.

Duración del proyecto

10 months. 

  • The onboarding phase preparing the start of the programme (1 month)
  • Three sprints from Sprint 1 to Sprint 3 (3 months each)

Modalidad y cuantía de las ayudas

Lump sum (subvención)

  • The maximum funding that can be allocated to an SME is 100.000
  • The maximum funding that can be allocated to a clinical partner is 50.000

Cobro de la ayuda

  • 10% after approval of the KPIs (Month 2)
  • 30% after evaluation of Sprint 1 (Month 4)
  • 30% after evaluation of Sprint 2 (Month 7)
  • 30% after evaluation of Sprint 3 (Month 10)

Plazo y procedimiento presentación

  • 1st stage: 22.07.2021 (17:00 CET)
  • 2nd stage: 16.09.2021 (17:00 CET) (only for the applications selected in the stage 1)

Organismo financiador

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